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Over the counter medications are not provided by Health Offices, therefore a Parent/Guardian will need to provide the medication if it is needed by the student. The container must be sealed and the child’s name must be clearly written on the container. Requests must be in agreement with the manufacturer’s directions or have a superseding physician’s order. Herbal preparations must have a doctor’s order. A Medication Administration Request form must be completed and signed.

All Prescription Medications, including inhalers and Epi-Pens, must be in its original container with a prescription label attached. The label shall include the child’s name, medication name, dosage and time of administration clearly stated. The parent/guardian must complete and sign the Medication Administration Form for every prescription medication given on campus.  Medication refills are to be brought to the school health office by a parent/guardian, not with the student.

Emergency medications such as Inhalers and Epi Pens may be kept within the location of the student or in the student’s backpack. A Self-Carry form (available in the health office) must be completed and signed for these medications.

A Parent/Guardian should retrieve medications at the end of the school year and sign them out. Medications will be destroyed if not picked up by the last day of school.

Health offices require the following forms to be completed in order to administer any type of medication.

English Espanol
Medication Administration Consent Form Consentimiento de Administración de Medicamentos