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Gifted Services


In accordance with Arizona Revised Statute, gifted education services are offered to all students who score at or above the 97th percentile on a verbal, quantitative, and/or nonverbal battery of a test included on the Arizona State Approved Gifted Test List. The Laveen School District also offers gifted education to all students who earn distinction through a combination placement at the 95th percentile on a State Board of Education approved assessment while demonstrating other characteristics of giftedness, including high academic achievement or exemplary recognition by teachers or parents.

Gifted students receive accelerated instruction based on their individual needs. Students also receive gifted enrichment classes and have the opportunity to participate in focus field trips and activities. In addition, classroom teachers of gifted students receive training on how to provide the best instructional strategies for their gifted students’ unique needs.

The array of gifted education services incorporates and addresses:

  • Continuity of programming to fit the needs of all gifted students
  • Continual progress monitoring to ensure individual academic progress
  • Daily interaction with other gifted students in the content areas
  • Differentiated curriculum and instruction
  • Accelerated pacing in the core content areas
  • Critical thinking, creativity, and problem solving
  • Flexible grouping according to ability levels, learning styles, and areas of interest
  • Attention to gifted students’ social and emotional needs

Site-based enrichment provided within the school day varies by school, and may include:

  • Digital learning, integrating technology using Chrome Books and Google Classroom
  • Fine arts continuum
  • Engineering Design Program

Site-based after school enrichment varies by school, and may include:

  • Chess clubs
  • Robotics or STEM Clubs
  • Foreign language instruction
  • Fine arts / PE (in addition to being provided within the school day)
  • National Junior Honor Society
  • Evening Enrichment Opportunities