The Laveen School District is transitioning to a new communications platform for the 2023-24 school year.
ParentSquare is a robust communications platform that combines tools such as email, text, classroom updates, sign-ups, scheduling, and updates into one easy-to-use platform.
Laveen families can download the app or log in to the dashboard. From there, you will see secure messages from your child’s teacher, classroom updates, classroom photo galleries, and school event calendars. You’ll be able to sign up for conferences and volunteer opportunities. If you have multiple children in our schools, you can see all these notifications at once or toggle between children to see relevant information for each individual child.
While ParentSquare combines the tools we are currently using in SchoolMessenger, ParentVue, ClassDoJo, Remind, SeeSaw, etc. there are a few platforms that families will still use.
- Behavior Management Tools (ClassDoJo/ PBIS Rewards) – If your child’s school uses a behavior management platform to track points they will continue to use that app.
- Peachjar– External organizations such as youth sports and recreation programs will still advertise their programs using the Peachjar e-flyer system.
- ParentVue-You’ll still use ParentVue to see your child’s grades, enrollment information, attendance, class schedules, and other records data in ParentVue.
- Google Classroom- Teachers who are using Google Classroom to share assignments and other curriculum materials will continue to do so.
- EZSchoolPay– Our third-party vendor, EZSchoolPay, will continue to process school lunch payments and send low-balance reminders.
- EZRouting- Our transportation department will continue to use this system that alerts families to bus delays.
ParentSquare is secure and is iKeepSafe certified in FERPA, COPPA, and student privacy. Additionally, ParentSquare does not conduct any targeted advertising and no student profile is built for any reason other than for school-related purposes. ParentsSquare is a Student Privacy Pledge 2020 Signatory.
To see an overview of the platform, watch the video (mira el video en español).
Getting Started
Parents and guardians must register for a ParentSquare account at in order to access the dashboard. You will be prompted to enter your phone number or email address that is on file with our school. Once you have registered, you may log in from your desktop or download the ParentSquare app from Apple or GooglePlay.
If your child is newly enrolled in the Laveen School District, you will receive a prompt from ParentSquare to join once your child’s school registration has been processed and they are active in our student database.
If you are an existing family and are unable to create an account, it is because the phone number or email address you are using does not match the information on file for your child. Please contact your child’s school to update this information.
Need help getting started? Click on the links below for printable guides.
Guía de inicio para padres y tutores
Need Help Navigating ParentSquare?
Watch the parent/guardian training videos below.
Parent & Guardian Training Video