Student Services
The Student Services Department manages the services for Special Education and other areas related to student special needs.
To qualify for special education, a student must be identified by a multidisciplinary evaluation team as having a disability. In addition, the evaluation team must determine that the child is in need of special education. Learn more about these Disability Classifications.
Developmental Preschool
The Laveen Elementary School District supports the importance of a child’s early years by providing a Preschool Program for children with identified special needs. Laveen Elementary School District’s Preschool program provides early intervention/special education services to 3 to 5-year-old children with qualifying developmental delays in the areas of hearing, vision, speech/language, cognitive, social, motor, and/or adaptive behavior. Eligibility is determined through formal assessment procedures.
Visit our Developmental Preschool page for more information.
Head Start
Head Start is an early childhood program for eligible children three or four years old by September 1. The Laveen Elementary School District is a cooperating partner with the Greater Phoenix Urban League to provide Head Start services to district residents.
The GPUL’s Head Start program is aimed at the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of Valley children. The program is committed to enhancing the development of children, empowering families, and strengthening communities.
Head Start classrooms are located at M.C. Cash School, 5000 S. Sandomir Way, Phoenix. For more information on Head Start eligibility, please contact (602) 276-9305.
Special education is available for students found to be eligible for and in need of special education services. Students who are eligible for special education services must have one of the following disabilities: autism, emotional disability, hearing impairment, other health impairments, specific learning disability, mild, moderate or severe mental retardation, multiple disabilities, multiple disabilities with severe sensory impairment, orthopedic impairment, preschool moderate delay, preschool severe delay, preschool speech/language delay, speech/language impairment, traumatic brain injury, or visual impairment.
Laveen schools provide special education services according to an individualized education program (IEP) which is mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) School-based personnel hold written procedures for the development, implementation, review, and revision of IEPs as well as evaluation/reevaluation, delivery of special education services, procedural safeguards, suspension, and expulsion of students with disabilities.
Child Find
Ten percent of the general population has some form of disability or disorder. Laveen Elementary School District #59 is looking for any students who might have difficulties resulting from a disability who might need special education services to succeed in school. If you know of a student who has major difficulty with organizational skills, learning or understanding, speaking or writing, getting along with others, making adjustments in different situations or completing tasks; please contact Todd Liolios, Director of Student Services at (602)237-9100 ext. 3058 to have his/her progress checked. Free special education services are available to eligible students. For more information, call Child Find at (602) 364-4015 or visit the Child Find website.
- Arizona Department of Education Child Find
- Arizona Department of Education Exceptional Student Services
- Arizona Early Intervention Birth through Preschool
- Raising Special Kids
Student Records
To request Special Education Records, please fax your request to 602-237-9130, or email your request to Your request will be processed promptly.