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Check out our interactive menus!


The National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program have gone through major changes since the implementation of the 2010 Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act. More whole grains, fruits, and vegetables have been added to your child’s breakfast and lunch menus. The menus are designed to provide nutritious meals for growing children.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The importance of breakfast is well established and studies show that participation in school breakfast programs is associated with academic and behavioral improvements among students. Skipping breakfast has become a habit in some households. As a result, many children are going to school without eating a nutritious breakfast in the morning. Laveen is proud to offer FREE breakfast to all students. To help ensure the success of our students, please encourage your child(ren) to join us every morning for a free nutritionally balanced breakfast as early as 30 minutes before the start of school. Grab and Go Breakfast is provided at Cheatham, Desert Meadows, and Estrella Foothills. Breakfast is served in the cafeteria at all other schools.

It’s a good start to a GREAT day.

Students may purchase from a variety of lunch selections including daily fresh salads.

Print-friendly breakfast and lunch menus for the month can be found at the links below.

February Menu

January Menu

December Menu

November Menu

October Menu

September Menu

August Menu

July/ August Summer Menu

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